Pedigree tree of Peter Raymond Hilmo

Birth: July 2, 1943 26 25 Seattle, King, Washington, United States
Death: November 24, 2017Kadlec Regional Medical Center, Richland, Benton, Washington, United States
Birth: November 1, 1916 40 27 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Death: June 26, 2005Colville, Stevens, Washington, United States
Birth: November 29, 1875 Husås, Lit församling, Jämtland, Sweden
Burial: March 27, 1943Washelli Cemetery, Haller Lake, Seattle, King, Washington, United States
Birth: May 11, 1889 25 30 Valknytt, Skön församling, Västernorrland, Sweden
Death: June 8, 1969Cascade Vista Nursing Home, Redmond, King, Washington, United States
Birth: March 3, 1864 40 35 Åhs, Frykerud församling, Värmland, Sweden
Death: July 31, 1930Stockvik, Njurunda församling, Västerbotten, Sweden
Pedigree tree of Hans Berthold Bert Hilmo
Birth: January 12, 1859 22 18 Muskus, Elfsby församling, Norrbotten, Sweden
Pedigree tree of Hans Berthold Bert Hilmo
Birth: September 2, 1917Hamar, Hedmark, Norway
Death: January 20, 1985Swedish Hospital, First Hill, Seattle, King, Washington, United States