Albert Öman b. 1856 Piteå moder

Shared note

Albert Öman b. 1856 Piteå moder
About the person
Homeparish: Piteå moder
Residence: Håkansö
County: Norrbottens

Year of birth: 1856
Place of birth:
Parish of birth: Piteå moder

Occupation: Arbetare

Marital status: G (Married)
Gender: M (Man)
Family status:
Family status code: F (Father/husband)
Other details:
SVARvolume: 000395 Card nr: 2
Page: 67 Row: 11

About the household
Persons in the household:
Family no: 1
Albert Öman b. 1856, Arbetare
Brita Johanna Strand b. 1866
Maria Elisabet b. 1887
Johan Otto b. 1889

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168 10 95 73 Monday, November 12, 2018 11:48 PM
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