Ellen Parker, 1832

Ellen /Parker/
Given names
Leaflet Map data ©OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
December 27, 1832 30 28 (aged 0 days)
Tubberclaire, Westmeath, Ireland, United Kingdom
Latitude: 53.49318 Longitude: -7.8616
Country: Éire
Birth of a sister
about 1834
Ireland, United Kingdom
Latitude: 54.724971 Longitude: -6.662228
Birth of a brother
Baptism of a brother
Birth of a brother
Baptism of a brother
Birth of a sister
Baptism of a sister
Birth of a sister
about 1841
Upper Canada, United Kingdom
Latitude: 49.25 Longitude: -84.5
Country: Canada
Birth of a brother
Country: Canada
Birth of a brother
Country: Canada
Birth of a brother
Country: Canada
Birth of a sister
City: Saint Marys
Country: Canada
Birth of a sister
Country: Canada
Baptism of a sister
Country: Canada
Death of a father
April 28, 1874
Iowa, United States
Latitude: 41.946066 Longitude: -93.036629
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Burial of a father
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Death of a sister
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Burial of a sister
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Death of a mother
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Burial of a mother
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Death of a brother
State: California
Country: United States
Cause: apoplexy
Burial of a brother
City: Los Angeles
State: California
Country: United States
Death of a brother
City: Independence
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Agency: Iowa Hospital For The Insane at Independence
Burial of a brother
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Death of a brother
July 8, 1907
Goodell, Hancock, Iowa, United States
Latitude: 42.923611 Longitude: -93.614167
City: Goodell
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Burial of a brother
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Death of a sister
February 9, 191110:00
2345 12th St, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
Latitude: 41.86649 Longitude: -87.68541
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Country: United States
Cause: Chronic myocarditis
Burial of a sister
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Death of a sister
City: Ackley
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Burial of a sister
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Death of a brother
July 10, 192513:00
Saint Ignatius, Lake, Montana, United States
Latitude: 47.318154 Longitude: -114.09614
City: Saint Ignatius
State: Montana
Country: United States
Cause: Pneumonia senili
Burial of a brother
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Death of a brother
December 7, 1928
Belmond, Wright, Iowa, United States
Latitude: 42.847222 Longitude: -93.612222
City: Belmond
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Burial of a brother
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Death of a brother
City: Saginaw
State: Michigan
Country: United States
Burial of a brother
State: Michigan
Country: United States
Death of a sister
July 21, 1933
Belmond, Wright, Iowa, United States
Latitude: 42.847222 Longitude: -93.612222
City: Belmond
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Burial of a sister
State: Iowa
Country: United States
Family with parents
Birth: estimated 1802 Ireland, United Kingdom
Death: April 28, 1874Iowa, United States
Birth: about 1804Ireland, United Kingdom
Death: August 13, 1887Patrick Parker farm, Washington Township, Butler, Iowa, United States
Marriage MarriageJanuary 23, 1830Tubberclaire, Westmeath, Ireland, United Kingdom
10 months
Baptism: November 26, 1830 28 26 Tubberclaire, Westmeath, Ireland, United Kingdom
Death: November 27, 1895Lemon, Los Angeles, California, United States
2 years
Baptism: December 27, 1832 30 28 Tubberclaire, Westmeath, Ireland, United Kingdom
2 years
younger sister
Birth: about 1834 32 30 Ireland, United Kingdom
17 months
younger brother
Birth: June 2, 1835 33 31 Beckwith, Lanark, Upper Canada, United Kingdom
Death: May 28, 1897Iowa Hospital for the Insane, Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, United States
21 months
younger brother
Birth: March 5, 1837 35 33 Beckwith, Lanark, Upper Canada, United Kingdom
Death: July 8, 1907Goodell, Hancock, Iowa, United States
22 months
younger sister
Birth: January 7, 1839 37 35 Ramsey, Lanark, Upper Canada, United Kingdom
Death: February 20, 1875Glen Haven Township, Grant, Wisconsin, United States
3 years
younger sister
Birth: about 1841 39 37 Upper Canada, United Kingdom
Death: February 9, 19112345 12th St, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
3 years
younger brother
Birth: April 1844 42 40 Canada West, Province of Canada, United Kingdom
Death: December 7, 1928Belmond, Wright, Iowa, United States
1 year
younger brother
Birth: March 12, 1845 43 41 Canada West, Province of Canada, United Kingdom
Death: July 10, 1925Saint Ignatius, Lake, Montana, United States
3 years
younger sister
Birth: July 10, 1848 46 44 Saint Marys, Huron District, Canada West, Province of Canada, United Kingdom
Death: July 21, 1933Belmond, Wright, Iowa, United States
-5 months
younger brother
Birth: about 1847 45 43 Canada West, Province of Canada, United Kingdom
Death: December 31, 19281902½ Genesee Ave, Saginaw, Saginaw, Michigan, United States
2 years
younger sister
Birth: December 31, 1848 46 44 Blanshard Township, Huron District, Canada West, Province of Canada, United Kingdom
Death: February 15, 1911Ackley, Franklin, Iowa, United States
Shared note

Alice Parker appears in the 1860 US Census as born about 1841 in Canada.

There is no Alice Parker listed in the 1851 Canada Census for the family. There is a woman who appears to be named Elishun, but who is born about 1834 in Ireland.

RootsIreland.ie has a baptismal record for an Ellen Parker for 27 Dec 1832.

My current hypothesis is these records all reference the same person.