James Alexander Alex Hathaway, 18581933 (aged 74 years)

James Alexander "Alex" /Hathaway/
Given names
James Alexander
Leaflet Map data ©OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
October 26, 1858 27 23
Lakeville, Union, Saint Joseph, Indiana, United States
Latitude: 41.523889 Longitude: -86.272778
City: Lakeville
State: Indiana
Country: United States
June 1, 1860 (aged 1 year) Age: 1
North Township, Marshall, Indiana, United States
Latitude: 41.433056 Longitude: -86.291667
State: Indiana
Country: United States
Birth of a brother
calculated October 1860
Indiana, United States
Latitude: 40.149246 Longitude: -86.259514
State: Indiana
Country: United States
Birth of a brother
January 1862
Indiana, United States
Latitude: 40.149246 Longitude: -86.259514
State: Indiana
Country: United States
Birth of a brother
State: Indiana
Country: United States
Birth of a sister
Death of a sister
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
June 1, 1870 (aged 11 years) Age: 10
Eau Galle Township, Saint Croix, Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 44.898056 Longitude: -92.309167
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a sister
October 10, 1870
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.721933 Longitude: -89.018997
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a brother
September 6, 1873
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.721933 Longitude: -89.018997
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a brother
June 30, 1876
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.721933 Longitude: -89.018997
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
July 24, 1881 (aged 22 years)
Saint Croix, Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 45.018036 Longitude: -92.579597
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a daughter
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a daughter
February 1885
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.721933 Longitude: -89.018997
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
June 20, 1885 (aged 26 years)
Spring Lake Township, Pierce, Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 44.813333 Longitude: -92.193333
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a sister
June 1885
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.721933 Longitude: -89.018997
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a daughter
May 1, 1887
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.721933 Longitude: -89.018997
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a daughter
May 1889
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.721933 Longitude: -89.018997
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a daughter
March 7, 1891
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.721933 Longitude: -89.018997
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a daughter
March 16, 1893
Minnesota, United States
Latitude: 45.203555 Longitude: -93.571903
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
June 1, 1895 (aged 36 years) Age: 37
Amador Township, Chisago, Minnesota, United States
Latitude: 45.506944 Longitude: -92.765
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Marriage of a daughter
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a son
April 19, 1898
Pine, Minnesota, United States
Latitude: 46.03341 Longitude: -92.892705
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Birth of a daughter
City: Pine City
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
June 1, 1900 (aged 41 years) Age: 41
Chengwatana Township, Pine, Minnesota, United States
Latitude: 45.868056 Longitude: -92.863611
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
December 23, 1901
Pine City, Pine, Minnesota, United States
Latitude: 45.827222 Longitude: -92.971389
City: Pine City
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Death of a father
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Cause: heart failure
Death of a mother
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Cause: Apoplexy
Burial of a father
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Burial of a mother
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Birth of a son
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Marriage of a daughter
State: North Dakota
Country: United States
Marriage of a daughter
City: Saint Paul
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
April 15, 1910 (aged 51 years) Age: 51
Southwest Township, Sargent, North Dakota, United States
Latitude: 45.9793 Longitude: -97.946
State: North Dakota
Country: United States
Marriage of a daughter
City: Stillwater
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Marriage of a daughter
April 1, 1915 (aged 56 years)
Southwest Township, Sargent, North Dakota, United States
Latitude: 45.9793 Longitude: -97.946
State: North Dakota
Country: United States
Marriage of a daughter
City: Minot
State: North Dakota
Country: United States
Marriage of a daughter
City: New Rockford
State: North Dakota
Country: United States
January 1, 1920 (aged 61 years) Age: 63
State: North Dakota
Country: United States
Death of a brother
City: Bakersfield
State: California
Country: United States
Death of a brother
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Burial of a brother
City: Bakersfield
State: California
Country: United States
Marriage of a son
City: Montesano
State: Washington
Country: United States
April 1, 1930 (aged 71 years) Age: 71
City: Seattle
State: Washington
Country: United States
Marriage of a daughter
State: Washington
Country: United States
Death of a wife
City: Seattle
State: Washington
Country: United States
Cause: chronic myocarditis
Burial of a wife
City: Seattle
State: Washington
Country: United States
May 1, 193304:20 (aged 74 years)
City: Seattle
State: Washington
Country: United States
Cause of death: chronic myocarditis
May 4, 1933 (3 days after death)
City: Seattle
State: Washington
Country: United States
Family with parents
Birth: April 20, 1831 36 32 Port Jefferson, Salem Township, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Death: December 23, 1901Abner Hathaway farm, Spring Brook Township, Dunn, Wisconsin, United States
Birth: May 17, 1835 Saltillo, Brown, Washington, Indiana, United States
Death: December 23, 1901Abner Hathaway farm, Spring Brook Township, Dunn, Wisconsin, United States
Marriage MarriageNovember 15, 1855Saint Joseph, Indiana, United States
13 months
elder sister
Birth: December 4, 1856 25 21 Indiana, United States
Death: November 1, 1939Kitsap County Hospital, Port Orchard, Kitsap, Washington, United States
23 months
Birth: October 26, 1858 27 23 Lakeville, Union, Saint Joseph, Indiana, United States
Death: May 1, 19338809 11th Ave SW, Highland Park, Seattle, King, Washington, United States
2 years
younger brother
Birth: calculated October 1860 29 25 Indiana, United States
Death: July 3, 1922Kern General Hospital, Bakersfield, Kern, California, United States
16 months
younger brother
Birth: January 1862 30 26 Indiana, United States
Death: July 3, 1922Casey Township, Washburn, Wisconsin, United States
4 years
younger brother
Birth: January 12, 1866 34 30 Argos, Marshall, Indiana, United States
Death: December 7, 1934Pacific Christian Hospital, Eugene, Lane, Oregon, United States
3 years
younger sister
Birth: calculated 1868 36 32
Death: February 1870Eau Galle Township, Saint Croix, Wisconsin, United States
3 years
younger sister
Birth: October 10, 1870 39 35 Wisconsin, United States
Death: December 3, 1952Renton Hospital, Renton, King, Washington, United States
3 years
younger brother
Birth: September 6, 1873 42 38 Wisconsin, United States
Death: June 24, 19388735 SE 15th Ave, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, United States
3 years
younger brother
Birth: June 30, 1876 45 41 Wisconsin, United States
Death: October 15, 1938Fall City, Spring Brook Township, Dunn, Wisconsin, United States
9 years
younger sister
Birth: June 1885 54 50 Wisconsin, United States
Death: August 10, 1944118 W Liberty St, Mankato, Blue Earth, Minnesota, United States
Family with Elizabeth Ann Lizzie Holler
Birth: October 26, 1858 27 23 Lakeville, Union, Saint Joseph, Indiana, United States
Death: May 1, 19338809 11th Ave SW, Highland Park, Seattle, King, Washington, United States
Birth: August 3, 1859 38 34 Owen, Indiana, United States
Death: March 9, 19328809 11th Ave SW, Highland Park, Seattle, King, Washington, United States
Marriage MarriageJuly 24, 1881Saint Croix, Wisconsin, United States
18 months
Birth: January 18, 1883 24 23 Spring Lake Township, Pierce, Wisconsin, United States
Death: August 17, 1979Resthaven Nursing Home, Hoquiam, Grays Harbor, Washington, United States
2 years
Birth: February 1885 26 25 Wisconsin, United States
Death: November 10, 1953Ramsey, Minnesota, United States
2 years
Birth: May 1, 1887 28 27 Wisconsin, United States
Death: November 2, 1965United General Hospital, Sedro-Woolley, Skagit, Washington, United States
2 years
Birth: May 1889 30 29 Wisconsin, United States
Death: September 19, 1957300 24th Ave, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, United States
23 months
Birth: March 7, 1891 32 31 Wisconsin, United States
Death: March 27, 1960Montana State Hospital, Warm Springs, Deer Lodge, Montana, United States
2 years
Birth: March 16, 1893 34 33 Minnesota, United States
Death: August 31, 194912020 Rhode Island Ave, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
Birth: April 19, 1898 39 38 Pine, Minnesota, United States
Death: May 28, 1976Columbia Lutheran Home, Fremont, Seattle, King, Washington, United States
2 years
Birth: April 27, 1900 41 40 Pine City, Pine, Minnesota, United States
Death: September 16, 1982Madison Aldercrest Nursing Home, Edmonds, Snohomish, Washington, United States
2 years
Birth: June 17, 1902 43 42 Chengwatana Township, Pine, Minnesota, United States
Death: September 21, 19606555 20th Ave NW, Loyal Heights, Seattle, King, Washington, United States
Shared note

945A. James Alexander,9 (Abner8 Jesse7 Abraham6 Benjamin5 Benjamin4 Abraham3 John2 Nicholas1) b. near Lakeville, St. Joseph Co., Ind. 26 Oct. 1858; d. 1 May 1933, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash.; m. Elizabeth Ann Holler, 24 July 1881, (Vol. 3, p. 55, St. Croix Co., Hudson, Wisc.), b. Owen Co., Ind. 3 Aug 1859; d. 9 mar. 1932, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash., dau. George A. and Elizabeth Holler.

The 1870 U.S. Census shows James Alexander with his parents in the Town of Eau Galle, St. Croix Co., but he is not recorded with them for the 1880 U.S. Census. The 1885 Wisconsin Census shows James' family as 2 males and 3 females. The family was living at that time in the Town of Spring Lake, Pierce Co., Wisc. About May, 1892, they moved to a farm in Minnesota, 10 miles north of Taylor Falls, Minn.; P.O. address was Wolf Creek, Wisc. on 15 Jan 1895, James filed on a 40-acre homestead, located about 10 miles northeast of Pine City, Pine Co., Minn. The family moved to the new homestead during the summer of 1895. Patent was obtained for the homestead on 23 Oct. 1901, (Certificate 10873, St. Cloud, Minn., Land Office). In submitting homestead proof on 11 Jan. 1901, James stated that he built a house during the month of April, 1895, established actual residence 1 Jun 1895 in the log house 16' x 22', shake roof, 2 doors, 4 windows, also log barn 18' x 20', board roof, Value $200.
His family then consisted of him, his wife, and 8 children. He increased the cultivated area from ½ acre in 1895 to 14 acres in 1900, by clearing land of heavy timber and leveling so that crops could be planted.
The demands of a large and growing family and possible the desire to follow other members of the family westward resulted in a move during the spring of 1904 to Brampton, Sargent Co., N. Dak.; thence to Straubville nearby in 1912. His older sister, Alice Ellen (Hathaway) Rose was then living near Stirium, Sargent Co., N. Dak., some 12 miles to the north. In 1916 the family moved to Brantford, Eddy Co., N. Dak. and purchased a 320 acre farm but lived on it only 3 years when they moved to McHenry, Foster Co., N. Dak. James and Ellen moved to the state of Washington in the fall of 1922 and settled in Markham, Grays Harbor Co., Wash., with sons Leanard and Raymond where they lived until 1928. They moved to Seattle, King Co., Wash., in 1928 with Leonard who stayed with them until they died. Children:

i. Florence Belle
ii. Ida May
iii. Daisy Ellen
iv. Mary Louise
v. Minnie Gervaise
vi. Theoda Pearl
vii. Leonard Earl
viii. Hazel Bernice
ix. Raymond Emory

Shared note

945A. James Alexander,9 (Abner8 Jesse7 Abraham6 Benjamin5 Benjamin4 Abraham3 John2 Nicholas1) b. near Lakeville, St. Joseph Co., Ind. 26 Oct. 1858; d. 1 May 1933, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash.; m. Elizabeth Ann Holler, 24 July 1881, (Vol. 3, p. 55, St. Croix Co., Hudson, Wisc.), b. Owen Co., Ind. 3 Aug 1859; d. 9 mar. 1932, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash., dau. George A. and Elizabeth Holler.

The 1870 U.S. Census shows James Alexander with his parents in the Town of Eau Galle, St. Croix Co., but he is not recorded with them for the 1880 U.S. Census. The 1885 Wisconsin Census shows James' family as 2 males and 3 females. The family was living at that time in the Town of Spring Lake, Pierce Co., Wisc. About May, 1892, they moved to a farm in Minnesota, 10 miles north of Taylor Falls, Minn.; P.O. address was Wolf Creek, Wisc. on 15 Jan 1895, James filed on a 40-acre homestead, located about 10 miles northeast of Pine City, Pine Co., Minn. The family moved to the new homestead during the summer of 1895. Patent was obtained for the homestead on 23 Oct. 1901, (Certificate 10873, St. Cloud, Minn., Land Office). In submitting homestead proof on 11 Jan. 1901, James stated that he built a house during the month of April, 1895, established actual residence 1 Jun 1895 in the log house 16' x 22', shake roof, 2 doors, 4 windows, also log barn 18' x 20', board roof, Value $200.
His family then consisted of him, his wife, and 8 children. He increased the cultivated area from ½ acre in 1895 to 14 acres in 1900, by clearing land of heavy timber and leveling so that crops could be planted.
The demands of a large and growing family and possible the desire to follow other members of the family westward resulted in a move during the spring of 1904 to Brampton, Sargent Co., N. Dak.; thence to Straubville nearby in 1912. His older sister, Alice Ellen (Hathaway) Rose was then living near Stirium, Sargent Co., N. Dak., some 12 miles to the north. In 1916 the family moved to Brantford, Eddy Co., N. Dak. and purchased a 320 acre farm but lived on it only 3 years when they moved to McHenry, Foster Co., N. Dak. James and Ellen moved to the state of Washington in the fall of 1922 and settled in Markham, Grays Harbor Co., Wash., with sons Leanard and Raymond where they lived until 1928. They moved to Seattle, King Co., Wash., in 1928 with Leonard who stayed with them until they died. Children:

i. Florence Belle
ii. Ida May
iii. Daisy Ellen
iv. Mary Louise
v. Minnie Gervaise
vi. Theoda Pearl
vii. Leonard Earl
viii. Hazel Bernice
ix. Raymond Emory

Shared note

"Wisconsin, State Census, 1885," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MMSQ-4B6 : accessed 11 Sep 2012), Alexander Hathaway, Spring Lake Town, Pierce, Wisconsin.

Shared note

Name: Alexander Hathaway
Residence: Spring Lake Town, Pierce, Wisconsin
Number of White Males: 2
Number of White Females: 3
Number of Black Males:
Number of Black Females:
Country of Birth: United States: 5;
State or Vessel:
Form Type: Inhabitants
Line Number:
Film Number: 1032701
Digital Folder Number: 4245052
Image Number: 00217
Collection: Wisconsin, State Census, 1885

Shared note

945A. James Alexander,9 (Abner8 Jesse7 Abraham6 Benjamin5 Benjamin4 Abraham3 John2 Nicholas1) b. near Lakeville, St. Joseph Co., Ind. 26 Oct. 1858; d. 1 May 1933, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash.; m. Elizabeth Ann Holler, 24 July 1881, (Vol. 3, p. 55, St. Croix Co., Hudson, Wisc.), b. Owen Co., Ind. 3 Aug 1859; d. 9 mar. 1932, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash., dau. George A. and Elizabeth Holler.

The 1870 U.S. Census shows James Alexander with his parents in the Town of Eau Galle, St. Croix Co., but he is not recorded with them for the 1880 U.S. Census. The 1885 Wisconsin Census shows James' family as 2 males and 3 females. The family was living at that time in the Town of Spring Lake, Pierce Co., Wisc. About May, 1892, they moved to a farm in Minnesota, 10 miles north of Taylor Falls, Minn.; P.O. address was Wolf Creek, Wisc. on 15 Jan 1895, James filed on a 40-acre homestead, located about 10 miles northeast of Pine City, Pine Co., Minn. The family moved to the new homestead during the summer of 1895. Patent was obtained for the homestead on 23 Oct. 1901, (Certificate 10873, St. Cloud, Minn., Land Office). In submitting homestead proof on 11 Jan. 1901, James stated that he built a house during the month of April, 1895, established actual residence 1 Jun 1895 in the log house 16' x 22', shake roof, 2 doors, 4 windows, also log barn 18' x 20', board roof, Value $200.
His family then consisted of him, his wife, and 8 children. He increased the cultivated area from ½ acre in 1895 to 14 acres in 1900, by clearing land of heavy timber and leveling so that crops could be planted.
The demands of a large and growing family and possible the desire to follow other members of the family westward resulted in a move during the spring of 1904 to Brampton, Sargent Co., N. Dak.; thence to Straubville nearby in 1912. His older sister, Alice Ellen (Hathaway) Rose was then living near Stirium, Sargent Co., N. Dak., some 12 miles to the north. In 1916 the family moved to Brantford, Eddy Co., N. Dak. and purchased a 320 acre farm but lived on it only 3 years when they moved to McHenry, Foster Co., N. Dak. James and Ellen moved to the state of Washington in the fall of 1922 and settled in Markham, Grays Harbor Co., Wash., with sons Leanard and Raymond where they lived until 1928. They moved to Seattle, King Co., Wash., in 1928 with Leonard who stayed with them until they died. Children:

i. Florence Belle
ii. Ida May
iii. Daisy Ellen
iv. Mary Louise
v. Minnie Gervaise
vi. Theoda Pearl
vii. Leonard Earl
viii. Hazel Bernice
ix. Raymond Emory

Shared note

945A. James Alexander,9 (Abner8 Jesse7 Abraham6 Benjamin5 Benjamin4 Abraham3 John2 Nicholas1) b. near Lakeville, St. Joseph Co., Ind. 26 Oct. 1858; d. 1 May 1933, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash.; m. Elizabeth Ann Holler, 24 July 1881, (Vol. 3, p. 55, St. Croix Co., Hudson, Wisc.), b. Owen Co., Ind. 3 Aug 1859; d. 9 mar. 1932, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash., dau. George A. and Elizabeth Holler.

The 1870 U.S. Census shows James Alexander with his parents in the Town of Eau Galle, St. Croix Co., but he is not recorded with them for the 1880 U.S. Census. The 1885 Wisconsin Census shows James' family as 2 males and 3 females. The family was living at that time in the Town of Spring Lake, Pierce Co., Wisc. About May, 1892, they moved to a farm in Minnesota, 10 miles north of Taylor Falls, Minn.; P.O. address was Wolf Creek, Wisc. on 15 Jan 1895, James filed on a 40-acre homestead, located about 10 miles northeast of Pine City, Pine Co., Minn. The family moved to the new homestead during the summer of 1895. Patent was obtained for the homestead on 23 Oct. 1901, (Certificate 10873, St. Cloud, Minn., Land Office). In submitting homestead proof on 11 Jan. 1901, James stated that he built a house during the month of April, 1895, established actual residence 1 Jun 1895 in the log house 16' x 22', shake roof, 2 doors, 4 windows, also log barn 18' x 20', board roof, Value $200.
His family then consisted of him, his wife, and 8 children. He increased the cultivated area from ½ acre in 1895 to 14 acres in 1900, by clearing land of heavy timber and leveling so that crops could be planted.
The demands of a large and growing family and possible the desire to follow other members of the family westward resulted in a move during the spring of 1904 to Brampton, Sargent Co., N. Dak.; thence to Straubville nearby in 1912. His older sister, Alice Ellen (Hathaway) Rose was then living near Stirium, Sargent Co., N. Dak., some 12 miles to the north. In 1916 the family moved to Brantford, Eddy Co., N. Dak. and purchased a 320 acre farm but lived on it only 3 years when they moved to McHenry, Foster Co., N. Dak. James and Ellen moved to the state of Washington in the fall of 1922 and settled in Markham, Grays Harbor Co., Wash., with sons Leanard and Raymond where they lived until 1928. They moved to Seattle, King Co., Wash., in 1928 with Leonard who stayed with them until they died. Children:

i. Florence Belle
ii. Ida May
iii. Daisy Ellen
iv. Mary Louise
v. Minnie Gervaise
vi. Theoda Pearl
vii. Leonard Earl
viii. Hazel Bernice
ix. Raymond Emory

Shared note

945A. James Alexander,9 (Abner8 Jesse7 Abraham6 Benjamin5 Benjamin4 Abraham3 John2 Nicholas1) b. near Lakeville, St. Joseph Co., Ind. 26 Oct. 1858; d. 1 May 1933, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash.; m. Elizabeth Ann Holler, 24 July 1881, (Vol. 3, p. 55, St. Croix Co., Hudson, Wisc.), b. Owen Co., Ind. 3 Aug 1859; d. 9 mar. 1932, bur. Washilli Cem., Seattle, Wash., dau. George A. and Elizabeth Holler.

The 1870 U.S. Census shows James Alexander with his parents in the Town of Eau Galle, St. Croix Co., but he is not recorded with them for the 1880 U.S. Census. The 1885 Wisconsin Census shows James' family as 2 males and 3 females. The family was living at that time in the Town of Spring Lake, Pierce Co., Wisc. About May, 1892, they moved to a farm in Minnesota, 10 miles north of Taylor Falls, Minn.; P.O. address was Wolf Creek, Wisc. on 15 Jan 1895, James filed on a 40-acre homestead, located about 10 miles northeast of Pine City, Pine Co., Minn. The family moved to the new homestead during the summer of 1895. Patent was obtained for the homestead on 23 Oct. 1901, (Certificate 10873, St. Cloud, Minn., Land Office). In submitting homestead proof on 11 Jan. 1901, James stated that he built a house during the month of April, 1895, established actual residence 1 Jun 1895 in the log house 16' x 22', shake roof, 2 doors, 4 windows, also log barn 18' x 20', board roof, Value $200.
His family then consisted of him, his wife, and 8 children. He increased the cultivated area from ½ acre in 1895 to 14 acres in 1900, by clearing land of heavy timber and leveling so that crops could be planted.
The demands of a large and growing family and possible the desire to follow other members of the family westward resulted in a move during the spring of 1904 to Brampton, Sargent Co., N. Dak.; thence to Straubville nearby in 1912. His older sister, Alice Ellen (Hathaway) Rose was then living near Stirium, Sargent Co., N. Dak., some 12 miles to the north. In 1916 the family moved to Brantford, Eddy Co., N. Dak. and purchased a 320 acre farm but lived on it only 3 years when they moved to McHenry, Foster Co., N. Dak. James and Ellen moved to the state of Washington in the fall of 1922 and settled in Markham, Grays Harbor Co., Wash., with sons Leanard and Raymond where they lived until 1928. They moved to Seattle, King Co., Wash., in 1928 with Leonard who stayed with them until they died. Children:

i. Florence Belle
ii. Ida May
iii. Daisy Ellen
iv. Mary Louise
v. Minnie Gervaise
vi. Theoda Pearl
vii. Leonard Earl
viii. Hazel Bernice
ix. Raymond Emory